Viral infections are one of the most terrifying of the diseases for dahlia growers and lovers of this great garden flowers. They are easily transferred, and infected plants, can be carriers, while there are no symptoms whatsoever. And viruses can not be treated with pesticides. Whether you're a great breeder or someone with a dahlia in a pot on your apartment deck, the idea of losing your beautiful dahlias for viruses is frightening.
It is useful, say plant pathologists at Washington State University, the identity of the virus that a dahlia know because they differ in terms of the vectors responsible for the distribution, type of damage the virus causes and sources of inoculum and control .
Only about a dozen viruses, they say, has been reported to infect dahlias, and only a few of the known viruses are often found in dahlias. Most virus transmission appears to be associated with wounds, especially those by chewing and sucking insects, the virus then spread in the vegetative parts of the plant, such as cuttings or tubers divided. While they are easily transmitted by insect vectors, they are organism-dependent and can not survive in plant debris, compost or soil.
Viruses capable of slowing down the growth of plants and of influence on the appearance of leaves and flowers. Virus-infected leaves can be spotted, striped, mottled, distorted or obstructed. The veins in the leaves to lose color or the development of tumors. Flowers can be smaller, deformed, striped or blurred in color, or color to develop and leaf-like structures. Symptoms may be similar in various viruses, according to the WSU Dr. Hanu Pappu, who is in possession of the President Sam Smith Distinguished Professor in Plant Virology. Some of his research is supported by a donation made by the American Dahlia Society at the land-grant university in Pullman, Washington.
Probably the most common of the dahlia dahlia mosaic viruses, usually associated with the vector aphids. Of diseased plants brought WSU Cooperative Extension sites for testing, more than half were found to be infected with dahlia mosaic virus (DMV). Symptoms include yellowing and stunting of new growth, according to Dr. Pappu. Additional symptoms may be mosaic (alternating islands of light and dark green color on the leaves) are yellowish spots on leaves and splashes of malformations of the young shoots.
Trips is one of those strange words that both singular and plural, so a bug is a trip, like an infestation of hundreds. Thrips are tiny, slender insects of the order Thysanoptera, so small they are difficult to see, usually under 1/20 inch in length, with fringed wings. They are poor flyers, but can catch and float on the wind.
Aphids, which are small, soft-bodied insects with long, slender mouth parts, sucking them live on fluids from plants. Almost every plant has one or more aphid species that occasionally feed on. They are considered as one of the most destructive of insects in the garden and in the market plants.
Both thrips and aphids feed on the undersides of the leaves and thrips also attacks the buds of late-season dahlias, causing rot. Controlling these insects will help prevent the spread of viruses in dahlias.
At this time, dahlia viruses can not be controlled with pesticides. Dr. Hannu and others in the plant pathology field are looking for opportunities, and at Washington State University, there is discussion about starting a program that would involve the treatment of virus-infected plants with chemotherapy. However, for the moment, getting rid of a virus-infected dahlia plant is the only way to prevent the spread of viruses.
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