
Monday, August 6, 2012

Growing Dahlias for Cut Flowers

Dahlias originate from Mexico and are related to the sunflower and daisy. Once a favorite of allotment growers, dahlias are enjoying a return to popularity and have now become a favorite plant for the herbaceous borders and patio containers. They will continue blooming until the first frost. Dahlias are also excellent cut flowers. There are many types to choose from in many different colors.

Dahlias are tuberous meaning they are passed by tubers in late summer or late winter. They can be grown from tubers stored in the winter or from root cuttings taken the previous season. Because they come from a warm climate, they must be grown in a sunny spot, preferably against a wall on the south and away from strong winds.
They should at least eight hours of sun per day. Because they are frost-tender, not plant them until the threat of frost has passed. Dahlias are heavy feeders, so should be grown in good soil with added organic material such as blood fish and bone. This added to the soil will mean you do not have to continue feeding the plants during the growing season. Plant tubers in their bloom, about 4-6in deep. Place support poles in the plant and tie into the plant as it grows. Also pinch out top shoots to bushi ness and much to encourage more flowers. If you want the plant produce large flowers, then limit the number to four or five flowering stems per plant. Regular deadheading or for picking flowers will ensure repeat bloom throughout the season.

Varieties for use as cut flowers

Most species can be used dahlias as cut flowers, but here are some of the best. Dahlia 'Grand Finale' has large grape colored cactus flowers that measure up to 10ins across. 'Lovely Lana is a semi-cactus variety with large mauve colored flowers measuring 8-10ins across. 'Tomo' is a small to medium variety with double, dark purple to maroon flowers with white-tipped petals. Dahlia 'Survivor' is a decorative plant with deep rose pink flowers up to 12ins in diameter. "Mingus Philip is a beautiful blend of white and lavender. "Goshen Giant 'is a beautiful light apricot color with torn leaves.

It is very easy to grow dahlias as cut flowers in the garden planters. Make sure your planter is deep enough to accommodate large root system. When growing in containers, make sure you water regularly dahlias and during the flowering season, feed once a week with a high potash feed to ensure you have a lot of cut flowers all summer long.

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